Content Commitment: Ongoing Maintenance

Content Commitment

A Website requires a commitment that some companies have a difficult time quantifying. They view their website as a "brochure" and not as "business tool" and that tends to cause problems and complications later on. The false premise of "If I build it they will come" is the first pitfall. It is only when the public doesn't come and their website statistics show a flat line - do they realize that they should have spent more time in initially developing and writing the content for their site - not to mention - continue the efforts to build the information on their site.

Our general rule of thumb is:
Launching and/or maintaining a website requires the same level commitment you would dedicate towards opening a new location - or launching a new product line.

Website content is a living, breathing, thing that needs your attention and guidance to help it perform it's best for you.

Example One: The Brochure Site
Company A wants a site totaling 5-10 pages that discusses their various products and/or service. This site approach is a nice concept for starters, but it fails in the broader sense of forward thinking. While it may be true that your company is offering the same products and services that it has for 30 years, your company has more to say than 10 paragraphs of information.

For a brochure site (informational) you should be spending 2-4 hours a week on your site. This time should be spent:

  • Updating current sales or promotions. (Seasonal offerings, a current "hot seller" for your company, etc.)
  • Expanding or refining your products and/or service offerings. (These items change more frequently than most companies care to admit.)
  • Examining your site statistics.
  • Updating Company News. (Case studies, promotions, new employees, new equipment, awards, conventions, etc.)
  • Link Development (Listing and linking your website on other websites)

Example Two: The E-Commerce Site For an E-Commerce Site you should be spending 5-10 hours a week (or more) on your site, focusing on all of the above as well as:

  • Adjusting images. (Resizing, uploading, multiple product shots)
  • Adjusting inventory. (Adding/removing products)
  • Evaluating Prices.
  • Monitoring Orders.
  • Answering Questions.

Your website will not run itself. Your content will not magically get better. Your site traffic will not grow without continual maintenance and attention.

The analogy of your website as another branch office is correct. It needs cleaning, maintenance, marketing, staff, etc.

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