Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Conquering social media by setting obtainable business goals

With the variety of social platforms, it is important to utilize the social networks that attract your demographics. From organic, grass roots efforts to paid advertisements, Big Fat Designs will work with your company to develop a strategy that clearly defines your voice across the relevant social channels. We’ll develop content that ranges from static, text-based feeds, to short video ads and reels.

Typical social media strategies involve:

  • Grow your brands audience: Get new followers!
  • Boost community engagement: Ask questions and interact with your audience.
  • Increased brand awareness: See and be seen!
  • Drive website traffic: Post content that drives viewers to your website: News articles, product pages, service descriptions, etc.
  • Generate leads and sales: Post content that directs viewers to act. Post promotions, special offers, product and service descriptions, etc.

Measurable Results

Assessing what is working and needs improvement is an important part of any marketing effort. While social media marketing can be play-by-ear, it is important to have a solid strategy in place to guide your efforts. That is why the team at BFD monitors your Likes, Views, and Clicks throughout your campaigns to all us to make real-time adjustments and maximize your results.